Kozure ?kami: Jigoku e ikuzo! Daigoro Baby Cart 6 Sword of Vengeance VI Baby Cart 6: Go to Hell Daigoro! Jigoku e ikuzo! Daigoro Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell 帶子雄狼 地獄之行!大五郎! 帶子雄狼:雪原生死道
朝花夕誓:於離別之朝束起約定之花 在離別之朝豎起約定之花 在離別的清晨裝點上約定之花 道別的早晨就用約定之花點綴吧(臺) Let Us Adorn the Morning of Farewells with Promised Flowers Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms