简介:Child psychiatrist Laverne Antrobus has created a special space to tackle the extreme behaviour of the UK's most challenging preschoolers. Can she curb their unruly tantrums, sulks and squabbles and prepare them for mainstream education?
"歡迎來到《淘氣託兒所》 - 一個與眾不同的託兒所。由兒童心理學家拉韋恩·安特羅布斯(Laverne Antrobus)創立,它針對英國一些最具挑戰性的兒童的極端行為,有時甚至是令人震驚的行為,這些兒童的年齡都在3至5歲之間。許多孩子已經被排除在家裡附近的託兒所之外,這可能是他們在進...
简介:大衛·愛登堡爵士(Sir David Attenborough)深究當今世界的滅絕危機,探索造成動植物迅速滅亡的原因,揭示針對這一全球問題可能的解決方案。在僅僅40餘年的時間裡,動物數量已縮減了六成。現在,有百萬個動植物物種瀕臨滅絕;若不採取緊急措施,其中更有許多將在接下來幾十年的時間內消失。究其原因?愛登堡爵士展開調研。他探索這場危機背後的人為因素——包括狩獵、有毒廢物、以及將土地轉而用作農耕。愛登堡爵士還揭示了有望帶來轉機的舉措。負責任的消費行為、減少肉食攝取、降低碳排放——這些行為都具有可以逆轉形勢的潛力。只要我們不坐視不理,就有機會讓自然界的時鐘倒轉。
简介:Pass the Salt is an hour-long investigation into the mysteries of one of our most fundamental elements: salt. It's an exploration that takes us from far beneath the earth's crust, to the inner depths of the human body - a search for the real answers to a mounting debate about the benefits and dangers of sodium chloride (table salt). Pass the Salt uses creative and stylish visua...
简介:En deux décennies, il a hissé ses talons vertigineux et ses semelles rouges au sommet de la mode. à la faveur de l’exposition que lui consacre le palais de la Porte Dorée, portrait intime du célèbre créateur, star du talon aiguille.
De son enfance à Paris, à deux pas du palais de la Porte Dorée, qui a marqué son imaginaire par son style Art déco et sa signalétique interdisant l...
主演:Elly Mayday Laura Wells Kerosene Deluxe Laura Agudelo Hanna Amar Muriel Amar Jihan Amer Linda Bacon 丹尼斯.貝多特 Jessica Biffi Georgina Burke Tracy Cake Pauline Clavel Luisa Fernanda Cobos Sarah Conley Eden Miller Cameron Silver
导演:Giovanna Morales Vargas
简介:A Perfect 14 explores the fascinating world of plus-size modelling and the women involved who are fighting to reshape fashion and the standards of society. This film follows the journeys of three plus-size models as they struggle against the distorted perception of body image that is being perpetuated in people's minds. These women share their personal experiences of challenges...
主演:Jeff Goodby George Harrison Tom Kalinske Howard Lincoln Peter Main Al Nilsen Steve Race Paul Rioux Gail Tilden Shinobu Toyoda Ellen Beth Van Buskirk Bill White
导演:布雷克·J·哈里斯 Jonah Tulis
简介:It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, American capitalism against Japanese tradition.
导演:Gigi Abrantes Matthew Braley Emily Franecki Steven C. Lawrence Michael Twigg
简介:Vintage food expert 'Old Smokey' and collector Josh Macuga, uncover and eat the oldest and most shocking foods to have survived history.
老舊食品專家'老煙鬼'和收藏家Josh Macuga一起嘗試並揭祕最古老且最讓人震驚的食物,感受殘存的歷史氣息.